What's on our mind today?

December 6, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — feathered quill @ 4:52 am

Since we were young, we have been in all sort of cliques whether we realized it or not. Normally, this kind of cliques are never the positive ones. And not all can be part of a particular clique. Hence, the exclusive group. We can find any cliques in every corner of world even in non formal communities.

For instance, in school, there are the jocks, nerds, “cool kids”, “misfits” etc. You can still find this in workplace too. It seems to me, they never  outgrown of this culture.

What really surprise me is that, you can even find cliques in the world of crafting enthusiasts. You think a community like this is all about meeting other people who share the similar passion in it and exchanging opinions/ideas. And yet, there is this exclusive group exist in such community. What do the other people of common interest can conclude from it? The irony is that, they set up a forum stating their mission is to discover and connect all the local enthusiasts and encouraging more members to venture in crafting. So naturally, the forum just died out due to such situation.

For me, it is such a worldwide embarrassment and disappointed to see stuff like this happens. Where is the sense of camaraderie and fun? This is why I prefer to connect with true enthusiasts where  I can be my true self without any reservation.


clique [kleek, klik]

-Noun, verb, cliqued, cli-quing


1. a small, exclusive group of people; coterie; set.

-verb (used without object)

2. Informal. to form, or associate in, a clique.

en.thu.si.ast [en-thoo-zee-ast, ist]



1. a person who is filled with enthusiasm for some principle, pursuit, etc.; a person of ardent zeal: a sport enthusiast.

2. a religious visionary or fanatic.


1.zealot, devotee, fan.

com.mu.ni.ty [ka-myoo-ni-tea]


-noun, plural -ties.

1. a social, religious, occupational, or other group sharing common characteristics or interests and perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it exists

2. a group of associated nations sharing common interest or a common heritage

3.  sharing, participation and fellowship.

4. similarity or identity: a community of interests.

June 1, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — feathered quill @ 12:01 pm
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Now with the hype of H1N1 flu virus a.k.a. swine influenza, you would think authorities everywhere would be “putting down” the pigs. Sadly, no such action has been taken. Previously, during the Mad Cow disease and Bird Flu eras, lots of cows and birds were euthanized. People were shitless scared to eat these succulent meats that most of them turn into vegetarians. So how come,there is an exception for these bacteria carriers?

Do you know that, after you boil these pigs for such a long time, the bacteria are still actively living? This is way before even the flu started. I remember my chemistry teacher stated that fact. Ewww! And yet, people are still eating them. Remember the phrase, “You are what you eat!” Come on people, these animals eat anything and I mean ANYTHING!

Furthermore, people are still flying off to those infected countries for vacation purpose. Only few managed to cancel off their plans. Ok, I’m fine that it is their choice to take the risk but I think it is a bit thoughtlessly selfish. They are after all potential carriers especially countries which have not been infected yet. They just carelessly take off without an ounce of concern and consideration to the people whom they known. I think this would be worst compare taking a vacation to a country which has political issues and chaotic riots. They are either insane or idiotic to even bother to go there. If they do not care of their own safety and the people around them, then go ahead. Just remember the old saying, “Don’t go crying over spoilt milk!”


vi-rus [vahy-ruh s]

–Noun , plural –rus-es

  1. An ultramicroscopic (20 to 300 nm in diameter), metabolically inert, infectious agent that replicates only within the cells of living hosts, mainly bacteria, plants, and animals: composed of an RNA or DNA core, a protein coat, and, in more complex types, a surrounding envelope.
  2. Informal. A viral disease.
  3. A corrupting influence on morals or the intellect; poison.
  4. A segment of self-replicating code planted illegally in a computer program, often to damage or shut down a system or network.

Related forms:
vi-rus-like, adjective

eu-tha-na-sia [yoo-thuh-ney-zhuh, -zhee-uh, -zee-uh]

  1. Also called mercy killing. The act of putting to death painlessly or allowing to die, as by withholding extreme medical measures,  a person or animal suffering from an incurable, esp. a painful, disease or condition.
  2. Painless death.

Related forms:
Eu-tha-na-si-ast [yoo-thuh-ney-zee-ast], noun
Eu-tha-na-sic [yoo-thuh-ney-zik], adjective

May 29, 2009

Inked Pot: Begins

Filed under: Uncategorized — feathered quill @ 12:49 am
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Today is a new beginning for “Inked Pot”. A place where the writers (naturally that would be us) could voice out just about everything and nothing at all. This is the main purpose of having a journal. The only difference is that the journal is open to public for pure literature entertainment or scrutinized critiques. The choice is up to the readers (that would be you)… either you hate us or you love us? That is how it works.


jour-nal [jur-nal]


  1. A daily record, as of occurrences, experiences, or observations: She kept a journal during her European trip.
  2. A newspaper, esp. a daily one.
  3. A periodical or magazine, esp. one published for a special group, learned society, or profession: the October issue of The English Journal.
  4. A record, usually daily, of the proceedings and transactions of a legislative body, an organization, etc.
  5. Bookkeeping.
    – A daybook.
    – (in the double-entry method) a book into which all transactions are entered from the daybook or blotter to facilitate posting into the ledger.
  6. Nautical. A log or logbook.
  7. Machinery. The portion of a shaft or axle contained by a plain bearing.

Related words for: journal
diary, daybook

Main entry: weblog
Part of speech: n
Definition: a personal Web site that provides updated headlines and news articles of other sites that are of interest to the user, also may include journal entries, commentaries and recommendations compiled by the user; also written web log; Weblog; also called blog
Usage: Computing

Blog at WordPress.com.